Sunday, 5 October 2008

The Mall Antiques Market Trashed

The new owners of 'The Mall' in Camden passage have demonstrated that they not only don't care about the character of the area, they are actually trying to destroy it, just so they can make a bit more money.

London and Associated Properties, who bought the building earlier in the year, thinking they could just kick out the antiques traders, gut the building, and put some fancy national Multiple retailer in there instead got a nasty surprise when over 300 people turned up to the Planning Committee and objected to the idea, and permission was refused. The Developers, vowed to appeal against the decision, but gave an undertaking to the Council to keep the Mall open until the result of the appeal was known. They have gone back on this promise and all the traders were evicted at the end of September. They are determined to try and kill the antiques market.

Readers may also be interested to know that LAP tried the same move at 'Antiquarius' in the Kings Road, where they evicted traders and commenced building work without Planning permission, but were stopped when Kensington and Chelsea statutorily listed the building.

LAP still have to convince a Planning Inspector that they are justified in destroying the most important part of Camden Passage, and if they fail, will have to re-open the Mall as a Market again.

The appeal is being heard at Islington Town Hall on 9th and 10th of December. Please come and object again.

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